Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Zen Anarchist

This blog has been created by the gods of disorder, entropy, social oxidation, decay and cosmic randomness. If that sentence confuses you, read no further. If that sentence somehow appeals to you, you may be an anarchist of sorts. This blog will recount and discuss the unfolding of a part of me that has never been expressed so openly, but it is an unavoidable tendency in my personality. If you, like myself, have been vexed and annoyed by, and chained and tethered to organizations, nations, churches, corporations, cults, clubs, groups, cliques and even families, and you just can't take it anymore, then you might be an anarchist at heart. I will be mixing blog entries with scholarly articles that I have been writing while pursuing a Master’s Degree in Organizational and Industrial Psychology.

         It might seem contradictory for a person who feels such distaste for all forms of order to be pursuing an advanced degree in Organizational Psychology, but to me, it is a journey into the belly of the beast, to seek understanding, and perhaps eventually, a coming to terms with, organizations and all constructs that would presume to control and manipulate individuals. Distrust and even hatred for authority is at the heart of my personality, and anyone or anything that seeks to reign me in will be met with rabid and vicious resistance.

         There is no need for anybody or any government to fear violence from me, however. Just as long as your laws stay off my body, off my property and out of my business, we should be able to live in harmony. But history has proven that, not the anarchist, but the organizationalist, the nationalist, the religious, the power hungry and the greedy are the ones that draw first blood in all cases. For now, my fight is just of the pen. Let's call it a cold war between myself and society. It would be great if I was so self-sufficient that I could separate myself completely from all social constructs, but unfortunately, there are things in this world that I want, that society offers, such that I have to make deals with and make compromises with, to obtain. I would be truly blessed if one day I could separate myself from the greater society and live as a natural man, but I have enough greed in me, that it keeps me making deals with the Devil.

         I am sure that my way of thinking will raise some concerns, but if that is the case, you probably are taking the term "anarchist" a bit too literally. So, as a feature of this blog, I will be probably forever, defining and redefining anarchy. I can say confidently that I am rational enough to admit that actual and literal anarchy is not possible. Even if a group of individuals could tear down every organized social construct, the mere meeting together to discuss terms, divide land, resources etc., is already a form of government in and of itself. Whether or not to have stop signs is a form of government when you think about it. Complete anarchy, I would argue is physically impossible, not just inadvisable or impractical.

         Another issue with anarchy is that, violence seems tied up with its definition, and since the powers that be have ICBMs, satellites, drones and nukes, well, I don't think that I need to spell out that a violent revolution on the part of anarchists, who are an incredible minority, would be a waste of time. Heck, anarchists couldn't win a war with some tiny South Pacific Atoll, let alone a nation. But I believe there is enough discontent within society that we can use available political processes to win a more hands-off form of governing. Privacy, freedom and peace tempered with the right to protect one’s body and property and family cold define a more anarchistic world. That would be progress in the right direction in my opinion. In this way I could say that anarchism for me is a direction not a position.

         Drawing on recent events, the negative aspects of so-called government can be seen plainly in the shooting of an unarmed black man by a South Carolina police officer. (And they call US anarchists!!) This is the result of government gone wild. Authority corrupts just like money, and it prods people with the lethal combination of guns and badges. The film footage of the old black man running away, and a cop shooting him in the back in cold blood, and then planting a Taser on his dead body has become clichĂ©. How dare any government be afraid of anarchists! It is that kind of abuse of power that makes a person want to just flush the whole system down the drain.

         I imagine that some prospective employer might read this blog one day and label me a terrorist. That would be a person who lacks the ability to understand nuance, subtlety, metaphor and hyperbole. Probably not the kind of employer I'd want to be associated with anyway. Ignorance has spawned many an authoritarian organization, and has caused much suffering in this world. Actually, there is no one I'd trust in a position of power more than an anarchist. So, yes, I believe an anarchist could be a politician, and support a government. Anarchy will never be a literal reality. But it is something in my soul that cries when abuse of power is manifest. Anarchists have hearts and souls and they love their mothers. Anarchy is a feeling state. Abandon. Wanton creativity. Art. Love. Sex. Sanity and madness. If not for a touch of anarchy in our governments and organizations, they would be intolerable (which they are almost that already.) Anarchy is the spark that ignites the flame of freedom. But anarchy itself will never reign. The real anarchist is a realist. There is no sense in wasting time believing in a form of government that could never come to be. We have to stay grounded in reality.

         On the topic of political party, some of you might imagine I am a Libertarian. Some, maybe, Green Party or Peace and Freedom Party. I'm sad to disappoint you, but I am a straight ticket Democrat. (I know, I know, I know, but I have my reasons.) As long as I am participating in reality, I see no point in supporting a political party that can't win. I voted for Obama. I will support Bernie Sanders in the primary and vote for Hilary Clinton after she wins the primary. Of course, if a miracle happens, and anti-corporate Bernie Sanders wins the Dem primary I will of course vote for him. I have committed myself to support the Democrat Party until it dominates so completely that the Republican Party ceases to be relevant, or exist altogether. At which time, I can safely move left. But even that is practically a dream. Possibly there are extremely rich and powerful individuals that will just keep us vacillating back and forth between Republican and Democrat for all eternity with no progress whatsoever. If such is the case, well, we are all fucked anyway, so it wouldn't matter which party I vote for. But at least the Democrats represent me on a few key issues. Don't get me wrong. All politicians are whores. Democrats are only marginally better than Republicans, and most of the time I can't tell the difference.  But at the end of my life, I can actually envision an America that has endorsed gay marriage, completely decriminalized recreational marijuana in all states,  and made a stand for the environment while erasing or laminating the need for war, however they accomplish that. I would like to see authoritarian religions limited or banned and I would like to see atheism flourish and dominate. Religion, which I find to be more vile and evil than government, must fall.

             I hope to provide some interesting and thought provoking articles for progressive minded individuals. You will find much blasphemy in my posts. That is a given. But even if you disagree with my positions, I hope to be entertaining. I look forward to creating some dialog as well. If you comment, I will try and engage with you, but sorry to say, spending time going back and forth with people on subjects I have already laid to rest in my life is not going to take priority. I'm busy enough as it is. But hey, you can always start your own blog! I wish you all peace, love and Zen.

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